Quincy and Maude tackle the holidays

Maude here.

Well, t’is the season… the season of stress, overcharged credit cards, travel, and flu-like diseases. This is the time of year where we always overcommit to social engagements and find ourselves utterly exhausted until January 1st. American Christmas is basically the worst time of year… that’s why Quincy and I have committed ourselves to doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from December 24th to January 1st… except for spending quality time with each other and our families. We will be exchanging food items and nothing more, because we all like to eat and be around each other. Why not take the pressure off and just ENJOY the season?

Mindless consumerism is insane. We love to give to people, but the greatest gift that each of us can give is our time, our attention, and our compassion to people or causes that inspire us. It doesn’t cost any of us a thing to go out of our ways and give someone a hand-up (versus a “hand-out”).

Our social calendar is completely booked until the end of our work and school break, which is CRAZY for people as introverted as we are. It’s good practice for us though, not because we’ll magically turn into extroverts with practice, but our collective thresholds for social events will probably be a bit more worn in.

Also, I’ve decided that Quincy and I should probably get married in the next two years, as we’ve already been engaged for almost two years already.*

Me: “Oh gosh, does this mean I have to actually put a date on the calendar?”

**I’m the worst wedding and event planner EVER. If any of you out there have some tips on coping with the stress of wedding planning or just some basic pearls of wisdom, feel free to share in the comment section. I could use all the help I can get, especially with our champagne tastes on a beer budget. 

That’s all for now!

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