“Dance Moms” are Dicks

Maude here. I’ve been watching the show “Dance Moms” on Amazon Prime. I’m on season 2 and it has become something I’m probably more emotionally attached to than is socially acceptable. DUDES. Dudes… This show is phenomenally repulsive and addictive. It’s confusing, it’s infuriating, and it is one of the most emotionally shallow things I’ve ever […]

Quincy and Maude tackle the holidays

Maude here. Well, t’is the season… the season of stress, overcharged credit cards, travel, and flu-like diseases. This is the time of year where we always overcommit to social engagements and find ourselves utterly exhausted until January 1st. American Christmas is basically the worst time of year… that’s why Quincy and I have committed ourselves […]

Professor Marge is Reported

Maude here. Darling readers, you may have read my post “The Redemption of Professor Margarine,” among other posts (1, 2, 3, 4). Now, I’m getting ready and compiling all of my notes to present to the school and to file a complaint. I survived the worst teacher I’ve ever had and one semester of her […]

Well shit… it’s time to workout.

Quincy & Maude here. Well, it’s Saturday. That means we bloggers must depart from our lazy morning activities and exercise. There is never a day when we’re like, “ERMAHGERD!!!! It’s so fun to move our bodies!!!” We just go out, turn off our brains, and do it. Yes, there’s a certain chemical/hormonal component when you’re […]

Dance, Monkeys. Dance!

Maude here. My Spanish instructor asked, “Que comida te gusta?” (“What food do you prefer?”) So naturally, I said, “Yo prefiero verduras.” (“I prefer vegetables.” Because that’s the only non-stereotypical Spanish food item I know.) Ah, Spanish 1. Realm of 18 year olds and their broad world views… Student One: “EW! Vegetables? You could’ve said […]

We’ve been in crazy-town lately.

Maude here. To anyone wondering why we’ve been mysteriously missing since our last posts in 2013, life happened. That’s about it. Oh, and we’re engaged now. It happened in July 2013. Quincy is still waiting for me to “put a ring on it” and make it official, but I’ve got a confession… I’m like a […]

My teacher has mashed potato brains.

Maude here. As you may have guessed, Quincy and I are young and spry individuals (unlike the “about page” photo). That being said, I’m still toooodling away in school, ever-so-gracefully acquiring basic-level classes in the glamorous world of community college. Don’t get me wrong. Community college is an excellent, affordable way to smash in the […]