Tale of the Downstairs Smokers

Maude here. I’ve been badgering Quincy from the moment we moved into our newly renovated condo (our first “adult” purchase) that our neighbors are filthy mole people that need to be put in their place. Why, you ask? Because they smoke. Now, I could fucking care less if they smoke. Just don’t put it in […]

Professor Margarine’s Psychic Attack

Maude here. Ohhhhh she’s up to no good again! That loopy old community college instructor, Professor Margarine, gave us another feast of learnin’ today… For the first 3 episodes, see post 1, post 2, and post 3. We students stumbled into class at 9:30am, ready for another round of batshit crazy and we were not […]

Dance, Monkeys. Dance!

Maude here. My Spanish instructor asked, “Que comida te gusta?” (“What food do you prefer?”) So naturally, I said, “Yo prefiero verduras.” (“I prefer vegetables.” Because that’s the only non-stereotypical Spanish food item I know.) Ah, Spanish 1. Realm of 18 year olds and their broad world views… Student One: “EW! Vegetables? You could’ve said […]