“Dance Moms” are Dicks

Maude here. I’ve been watching the show “Dance Moms” on Amazon Prime. I’m on season 2 and it has become something I’m probably more emotionally attached to than is socially acceptable. DUDES. Dudes… This show is phenomenally repulsive and addictive. It’s confusing, it’s infuriating, and it is one of the most emotionally shallow things I’ve ever […]

Tale of the Downstairs Smokers

Maude here. I’ve been badgering Quincy from the moment we moved into our newly renovated condo (our first “adult” purchase) that our neighbors are filthy mole people that need to be put in their place. Why, you ask? Because they smoke. Now, I could fucking care less if they smoke. Just don’t put it in […]

My body is disgusting.

Maude here. As Quincy so kindly pointed out in our last post, coffee makes me stink to high heaven. I think it’s the caffeine that makes the sweat smell pungent and unrelenting. That’s why I’m sitting here, next to Quincy and our dog, Blueberry, just to spite them. I not only get a great whiff […]

Caffeine and Maude do not mix.

Quincy here. Oh my sweet God. It has come to my attention that Maude should not, under any circumstances, be allowed to reside within a premises after she has consumed any kind of caffeine. The result of such activity is the most exquisitely excruciating STENCH. It is somewhere between ogre breath and an onion factory. […]